15 февраля – День открытых дверей в Одинцовском филиале.

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All children are admitted to MES on a general basis at the age of 3 to 15 years with a recommendation from one parent of a student of the school or a member of the MES Board. Children aged 3 to 6 years undergo medical, psychological and pedagogical testing. Children 7 years old and older undergo medical, psychological and pedagogical testing, as well as English, Russian and mathematics entry tests.

Based on the entrance testing results, MES admissions committee issues recommendations to the student, parents and teachers. The implementation of the Admission Committee’s recommendations is mandatory for all participants in the educational process (student, parents, teachers). The head of the Admission Committee provides the lists of applicants for approval by the MES Board.

Subject to the approval of the Board and with places available, an Agreement is signed with the parents. After the signing of the Agreement by one of the parents and the school principal, the child is considered enrolled and becomes a MES student.
