- Enrolment Form (Agreement on the
provision of educational services) (Presnya Campus) 1 (filled out at school, please, have your
passport with you)
- Enrolment Form (Agreement on the
provision of educational services) (Presnya Campus) 2 (filled out at school, please, have your
passport with you)
- Enrolment Form (Agreement on the
provision of educational services) (Odintsovo Campus) 1 (filled out at school, please, have your
passport with you)
- Enrolment Form (Agreement on the
provision of educational services) (Odintsovo Campus) 2 (filled out at school, please, have your
passport with you)
- Agreement on the provision of
educational services with foreign citizens (filled out at school, please, have your passport with
- School/Kindergarten Application Form (filled out
at school)
- School/Kindergarten Application Form
(Odintsovo Campus) (filled out at school)
- The child’s Birth Certificate
- Medical card and health insurance certificate
- Certificate of registration of a child in Moscow (Home Book extract)
- The child’s personal file from a previous school
- Grade sheet and characteristics from the previous school
- Application for registration of passes for family members (filled out at school)
- One photograph of the child and one photograph of each family member (sized 3cmх4cm or a file) for
registration of a school pass