The digital educational environment requires constant improvement and MES confidently builds new ways of development.
The norms of responsible behavior in the digital world, the effective use of all available digital resources, Internet technologies and services, the creation of digital content and communications are governed by the concept of digital citizenship at MES.

The modern world is unthinkable without digital technologies. Information literacy is an indicator of a person's active life position. Global competitions for leadership in technology and knowledge place high demands on modern society. Therefore, raising the level of information culture of the entire school community is one of the primary tasks of MES.

Digital environment - MES multidimensional system

Technical equipment
(network infrastructure, computer equipment)

There are 130 high-speed Wi-Fi access points on the school grounds, all computers of the two campuses are connected to a local network. The school has a high-speed Internet connection.

Moscow Economic School is the first school in Russia to use Apple technology in education. The first devices appeared in 2008. Today, we use 290 iPads and 250 Apple computers for teaching. Classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards, color and black-and-white printing facilities, and 3D printers.

MES digital infrastructure

(E-MES system, mobile application for parents, digital educational resources)

E-MES is a digital environment that serves for online interaction between students, teachers, parents and school administration.

The main functions of the system:

  • prompt informing of all participants in the educational process
  • control over the achievements of students, the implementation of their individual plan
  • planning of educational activities
  • remote access to information

Personalized mobile application for parents is another communication system for interaction with parents and collecting feedback.

Digital educational resources are educational portals to which our school is subscribed. Among them are Lecta, Kognity, InThinking, History Today, Hodder Education Learn More, LitChat and many others. They give our students the opportunity to independently work with various sources and materials, contributes to the formation of cognitive motivation.

Technology in the educational process

(implementation of the Apple Distinguished School project, BYOD, 1 + 1)

In 2017, Moscow Economic School joined the Apple Distinguished School project and is actively implementing its program.

Apple Distinguished Schools are hubs of leadership and educational excellence that showcase Apple's vision for technology-driven learning.

Today, two teachers of our school have received the status of Apple Distinguished Educators, we actively use Apple technologies and resources that help every teacher or student to achieve success.

Apple offers lots of helpful resources for developing student creativity. It is not only equipment, but also a variety of tools, training programs and workshops.

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The MES is in the process of implementing the 1: 1 program. Constantly replenishing the technical base, we strive for each student to have their own iPad for personal use during the year.

Using tablets in the workflow significantly increases students' interest in the subject, provides an opportunity for interdisciplinary research, pushes the boundaries for creativity and takes education to a new level.

The BYOD (bring your own device) model is also popular with students and teachers. The educational process cannot be stopped, so the student can continue the work started at home on a personal tablet at school.
