15 февраля – День открытых дверей в Одинцовском филиале.

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Being a Russian gymnasium and an IB World school, the Moscow economic school is the place where everyone learns to be the one who makes the world a better place.


Modern educational philosophy stands on three core values: dignity, cooperation and cultural and historical psychology of a personality. The key question of the past, present and future is not only what should education be like, but also what education is needed for. It is not so important to know what to teach and what technologies to use. It is essential to understand the meaning of education. The revolution of knowledge is taking place nowadays. Adaptive models of education, based on the transmission of skills, knowledge and competencies, are getting less effective. Pre-adaptive models, that prepare universal learners, are essential. These models have one common value – learn to learn: learn to explore, learn to act, learn to coexist, learn to be. In these models, the education is aimed at letting the learner independently construct a meaningful picture of the world and make decisions in uncertain and non-standard situations. "The school of uncertainty" is becoming more and more demanded. Motivational setting "learn to learn" helps a learner to construct the reality where the changes are perceived as the norm of life. The setting "learn to learn" does not firmly outline which instruments are needed to achieve a goal. No one can certainly determine technologies of tomorrow. Nevertheless, if you are ready for the changes, you are in constant search, you construct the technologies, including the technologies of oneself, the technologies that let you accept any changes without fear.


We want to make the world around us better, so that people, regardless of their views and beliefs, live peacefully together. We want people to respect each other, be sensitive and understanding. MES is the school where everyone learns to be the one who makes the world a better place!


At the Moscow economic school, the high quality education is understood as the combination of effective educational processes and competitive achievements. Effective processes envision the use of modern resources, best national and international educational practices, differentiated approaches in constructing the individual educational approaches and a fair assessment system. Competitive achievements envision facilitation of the academic and creative potential of each student, the acquisition of skills, the knowledge and dispositions needed in modern world, the level of achievements higher than worldwide, and readiness of MES graduates to study in top universities of the world.


Global citizenship at the Moscow Economic School means respect of cultural, national, religious and any other differences by all members of the school community. MES develops the values of global worldview at all levels of its academic and social activity for the acquisition of skills and knowledges needed for a successful human in the modern world.


Digital citizenship at the Moscow economic school is the concept, which outlines the rules of behavior in the digital world, effective use of the digital resources, internet technologies and services, creation of the digital content and communication. Digital citizens of Moscow economic school are the all members of the school community (students, parents and school staff members), who effectively and properly use the digital technologies.

Approved by MES Board. December 03, 2020
