The Caribou Contest final tour

The Caribou Contest final tour

May 11, 2021

On the 5th and 6th of May the final tour of the Caribou Contest was held. The contest’s winners will be announced based on the total of each round.

Students from the 2nd to 9th grades enjoyed taking part in this contest in which they were able to show not only their mathematical knowledge but also their level of English language comprehension. They successfully completed the tasks of this competition, including tasks about the History of Mathematics and interesting, non-standard mathematical puzzles and interactive games such as «Hackenbush game».

In total, 86 students from the Odintsovo Campus and 25,000 students around the world took part in this competition during this academic year. The number of participants is growing every year. «Caribou Contests» have become a valuable educational resource for our students.

We are eagerly awaiting for the Caribou Contest’s final results and we hope our students will traditionally demonstrate excellent results and be awarded prizes, which they surely deserve.

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