15 февраля – День открытых дверей в Одинцовском филиале.

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Exam Day Auf Deutsch!

Exam Day Auf Deutsch!

April 27, 2021 On Wednesday 21st April, several of our students from the 5th – 9th classes sat the A1 (Elementary) and A2 (Pre-Intermediate) German Language exam, ‘FIT’, which is the International German Language Exam for young people at the Goethe Institute.

The Exams offer a variety of tasks at all levels. In the writing paper, students had to write a short message and then a formal E-mail, answer a set of comprehension questions based on a variety of conversations and identify the correct picture based on the conversation. The speaking component consists of answering some personal questions and then using some prompts to ask their partner some questions, in order to form a conversation. These exercises coincide with the Cambridge KET (Key Elementary Test) in which students undertake similar exercises. It is useful for students to have some continuity in both exams as this will help them master their exam technique.

Students of the 7th grade also took the А2 level exam ahead of schedule for the first time. For all students, this was a bright and memorable event, and they shared their impressions. Many students felt positive after their exams. “It was easier than I thought,’’ explained Miroslav from the 6th Grade, “but writing an E-mail was difficult.” “Man soll gut fuer die Pruefungen gut vorbereiten,’’ Andrei mentioned, “aber gute vorbereitung bedeutet eine gute Note.”

Some of our students commented on the topics being challenging but interesting. Ivan from the 5th Grade commented that the listening was quite difficult but it was a rewarding sensation at the end of the exam. On the other hand, other students thought the exam was easier than expected. Ovik from the 5th class commented it wasn’t has hard as he had originally thought and it was a good chance to show what they had learned in the reading and listening components and to demonstrate what the skills they had acquired for the Listening and Speaking components.

What seemed like a stressful experience for our students has not deterred them from sitting the next level. Valeria from the 8th Grade hopes to complete the B1 level (Intermediate) exam next year.

All students believe that sitting the exam has been an extremely rewarding experience. It was useful both as an effective practice, and for their self-esteem. Despite completing their German Language Exams, there is no time to relax. Our students are sitting their Cambridge exams at the end of May. We wish our students every success in their foreign language exams during their school life.

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